A New Name for a New Season
Earlier this year I shared with you some of the things Church Council have been thinking through and praying about over the last 12 months, including the possibility of changing our name.
When we first relocated from Stafford to our current location we were known as Bray Park Reformed Church. This made sense at the time because we belonged (and still do) to the ‘Christian Reformed Churches of Australia’ denomination and we were located (and still are) in the suburb of Bray Park. However, given the declining relevance of denominational affiliation to the average Australian, the term ‘Reformed’ was dropped and we became Bray Park Community Church.
Now, for a number of reasons, we believe the time has come for a new name as we enter into a new season of ministry. This is an opportunity for us to have a name that does not limit us to one location, that is more reflective of our message and mission, and that is easy to remember, say, write and communicate.
This is an exciting part of our strategic direction as we enter a new decade. Please know that we have not come to this decision lightly or apart from prayer and consultation, and we do not believe that a new name is a silver bullet to renewed growth or vitality. It is God alone who gives the growth; not a trendy name or an updated logo. But we do believe a name change will position us to take advantage of future opportunities, to refocus who we are and why we exist and to help as many people as we can to find and experience real and lasting life in Jesus.
To help us in this process, we’d like to hear from you. If you have any feedback, any questions, and especially any name suggestions, please send an email to office@bpcc.com.au or by filling out this form.
With you on the journey,