
We believe that regular, joyful, and sacrificial giving is an act of worship and an offering of thanks to God who has given so generously to us in Jesus. When we give, we are proclaiming our faith in God as the provider of all things and our belief in the importance of the church. Your generous giving supports our shared mission to help more people find life in Jesus and do all that God has called us to do as a church.

give on sunday

Secure Giving Boxes are available at the exits of the auditorium.
EFTPOS is available at the Connections Centre.

give by direct debit

To give via direct debit is a great way to give regularly and consistently. It is easy to set up and will be a great benefit to both Oasis Church and you as you experience the joy and blessing of being a faithful steward of God’s money.

Oasis Church
BSB: 014 234
ACC: 3670 48692

give online

To give online via credit or debit card, click the button below to use our secure online payment form.