Thank You, We Heard You

We recently conducted a churchwide survey, asking for your feedback and suggestions as we consider where God is leading us into the future as a church. The goal of the survey was to provide an opportunity for you to have your say, to provide insight into where things were going well, and to identify opportunities where we could improve and grow.

I’m thankful to report that we had 147 people complete the survey, across all age groups and across all levels of experience; from those who have been part of our church family for 20+ years to those who have only just recently started attending. The results of the survey were overwhelmingly positive with an obvious love for Jesus and for his church flowing through the responses given, while at the same time pointing to some clear areas of opportunity and growth.

We learned a number of valuable insights including the deep level of appreciation for our worship services and the preaching and teaching. We also recognise there is an exciting opportunity to strengthen our focus on outreach and to engage more intentionally in God’s mission to reach those far from him. This will include all of us looking beyond our friendship groups on a Sunday to those who are new and who we might be able to reach out to so that we can continue to create a welcoming community.

We are also excited about continuing to devote ourselves to prayer in deeper and more meaningful ways, and we recognise that the time might be coming to address some of the visual aspects of our church, including to refresh and update both our facilities and our branding.

It was particularly encouraging to hear that over 80% of respondents felt confident to invite a non-Christian to a BPCC service and that over 50% of people have experienced “much growth” in their faith in the last year.

These are just some of the highlights and opportunities that came out of the recent survey. It was an extremely helpful and worthwhile exercise and let me offer my thanks to those who completed the survey; thank you for offering your voice and your feedback. We heard you and we look forward to walking alongside you into the future as we seek to continually grow in our love for God and for one another and in becoming the church that God has called us to be.

With you on the journey,
