Thank You for Your Feedback
We recently conducted our annual church-wide survey. The goal of this survey is to provide an opportunity for you to share your feedback; to identify where we are going well and where we could grow. While the survey is not the only factor we consider when determining priorities and goals for the upcoming year, it does influence and guide our decision making. We greatly appreciate all those who took the time to complete the survey and to share their feedback.
I’m thankful to report that we had over 150 people complete the survey, across all age groups and all levels of experience with our church. The results of the survey were encouraging and the insights were helpful, with positive feedback given in many areas of church life and a few areas identified where we could grow or do things differently.
There continues to be a high level of appreciation for our sermons, our worship services, and our life together as a community. Particularly encouraging was a sharp decline in those who have engaged “mainly online” in recent months, while almost 50% of people said “I feel as close to God as I’ve ever been in my life”. Praise God for the work He is doing among His people at Oasis.
The need to update and modernise our building and our facilities was highlighted by many people, along with the suggestion to occasionally mix up the format of our services to include different elements and highlight different ministries.
Attending Sunday services, listening to sermons, and meeting with other Christians were considered the most beneficial practices for spiritual growth, while most people identified ‘Our Facilities’ and ‘Our Local Community’ as areas where a budget surplus would best be spent. It would also seem that many people are keen to explore the book of Revelation. This wonderfully encouraging but notoriously thorny book of the Bible was easily the most popular nomination for a future sermon series!
These are just some of the initial highlights and lessons that came out of the survey. It was a helpful and worthwhile exercise and I’d like to offer my thanks to those who completed the survey. Thank you for offering your voice and your feedback, it really does matter and it does make a difference. We are looking forward to continuing the journey together in 2023 as together we seek to help more people find life in Jesus.
With you on the journey,