Thank You for Your Feedback

We recently conducted a churchwide survey. The goal of the survey was to provide an opportunity for you to have your say, to share feedback, to identify where things are going well and also where we could become healthier. While the survey is not the only factor we consider when determining priorities and goals for the upcoming ministry year, it does influence and guide our decision making.

I’m thankful to report that we had almost 170 people complete the survey, across all age groups and all levels of experience with our church. The results of the survey were encouraging and the insights were helpful, with positive feedback given in many areas of church life and some areas identified where we could grow or do things differently.

There continues to be a high level of appreciation for our worship services, our preaching ministry, and a significantly greater commitment to the direction of our ministry and mission than last year. This is particularly encouraging given that we launched a new expression of our vision and mission during our 30th anniversary celebrations earlier this year. There is also, it seems, a desire to diversify and deepen our practice of prayer, to update our building and our facilities, and to devote ourselves more deeply to building authentic relationships.

It is heartening to note that almost 70% of people said it is ‘certain’, ‘very likely’ or ‘likely’ that they would reach out to someone standing on their own before or after one of our services. If we are going to increasingly cultivate a loving and welcoming community, it’s going to take as many of us as possible to adopt this type of attitude. It’s also encouraging to note that 60% of people have experienced “much growth” in their faith in the last 12 months. Most people identified ‘Global Outreach (New Life, Compassion, etc.)’ (31%), ‘Church Facilities’ (27%), and ‘Local Outreach (SU Chaplaincy, Care Ministry)’ (22%) as areas where a budget surplus would best be spent.

These are just some of the initial highlights and lessons that came out of the recent survey. It was a helpful and worthwhile exercise and I’d like to offer my thanks to those who completed the survey. Thank you for offering your voice and your feedback, it really does matter and it does make a difference. We are looking forward to continuing the journey together in 2022 as we seek to continually grow in our love for God, our love for one another, and as we seek to help more people find life in Jesus.

With you on the journey,
