Responding to the Bushfires
As I write this, Noosa North Shore is being evacuated and 60 fires are burning across our state. Across Australia’s eastern coast, three people have been killed and over 150 homes have been destroyed. If you’re anything like me it’s a little hard to take in. I feel a mixture of sadness for the survivors and a sense of powerlessness to do anything about it.
It is times like these when I especially look to our God for help and hope. He is our only safe place in the midst of this troubled world, and he is the only one who can do anything about it. This is why prayer is so necessary and good! I want to encourage you to bring our fellow Australians before God in prayer during this devastating time.
World Transform, an initiative of our denomination, have provided the following prayer points that you can use to pray through this issue:
- Pray for those affected; for the elderly, the children and the vulnerable.
- Pray for those who have been evacuated and are uncertain of the future.
- Pray that God’s people can be there to bring God’s comfort and hope in uncertain times.
- Thank God that He is sovereign, ever-present, knows our needs and hears our prayers.
- Thank God for infrastructure and emergency service personnel who have been able to rescue so many and protect so much property.
- Ask God to send much needed rain.
World Transform have also started a Bushfire Emergency Relief Appeal to help bushfire victims across Australia. If you would like to give to this appeal, you can do so via internet transfer:
Internet Transfer
- BSB: 037 608
- A/C: 131 745
- Name: World Transform
- The gift must be identified as “Bushfire” in the message section.
Tax deductible receipts can be issued. If anyone wants a receipt, they must send their name, address and amount of the donation to
We do not face the issues of this world as those who are without hope. We can move towards our world with helping hands because we have a God who will never ever forsake us.
Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you. (Psalm 9:10)