Justice Sunday 2021

This Sunday is a special Sunday in our church calendar. It is what we call ‘Justice Sunday’, a day we set aside to focus our attention on God’s heart for justice and the role he has called us to play. It’s a day for us to pursue the vision of Micah 6:8 together: He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” These well-known words are a clear call to all believers to be engaged in the pursuit of justice in our day. To lean into and push back on the darkness in our world so that more people might find the freedom and life that is found in Jesus.

Below you will find more information about a number of different organisations and initiatives that are pursuing justice in our world in the hope that you will listen, pray, and partner in this important work.


Through the Child Sponsorship Program of Compassion, more than 2 million children are currently being released from poverty in Jesus’ name. We partner with Compassion in northern Thailand to help hundreds of children get access to necessities, education, the message of Jesus, and more. For more, head to www.compassion.com.au/, or if you would like to sponsor a child in northern Thailand please get in touch with us (office@bpcc.com.au).

New Life Orphanage

The New Life Orphanage provides relief, shelter, food, education, and more for orphans and abandoned children in Myanmar. We regularly take up offerings and appeals to support the Orphanage, but if you’d like to find out more, head to: https://www.newlifetrust.org.au/.

International Justice Mission

International Justice Mission (IJM) is a global organisation with a plan to eliminate the slave trade everywhere. You can join the fight by becoming a Freedom Partner (check out: ijm.org.au/freedompartner/) and by praying for the work of IJM (to get weekly IJM prayer updates go to ijm.org.au/pray/).

Operation Christmas Child

Thank you to everyone who donated items for our children to pack in the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. We have packed almost 220 boxes that will be sent overseas to bless children living in poverty around the world.

Open Doors

Did you know that over 340 million Christians around the world experience severe persecution for their faith? Open Doors Australia exists to help people follow Jesus all over the world, no matter the cost. To find out more and to get involved, head to: https://www.opendoors.org.au/.

Care Team

Our Care Team pursues justice by helping others doing it tough. They give out food hampers weekly, mow lawns, make meals, visit the hurting and restore dignity. If you’d like to get involved with our Care Team, you can sign up here: https://bpcc.churchcenter.com/people/forms/3668….

Scripture Union

Scripture Union School Chaplains are trusted and trained individuals who provide spiritual and emotional support to school communities. They are in the prevention and support business: helping students find a better way to deal with issues ranging from family breakdown and loneliness, to drug abuse, depression and anxiety. 50% of all profit from The Park go towards SU Chaplaincy. If you’d like to find out more, check out: https://www.suqld.org.au/.