A Letter from Church Council

Dear Church Family,

My prayer is that this finds you well and encouraged by God’s faithfulness in this difficult time as our community and indeed the world face the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

I wanted to write to you on behalf of Church Council to ensure ongoing communication from us and also to let you know we continue to pray for you and for Pastor Adam and the staff team. We are extremely grateful to God for the way the team at BPCC has been able to set up online connectivity of our Sunday services, youth get-togethers and many other ministries. Whilst it’s not ideal, being able to connect this way is the next best thing. Of course, we know that we are ultimately connected through God’s Spirit and as a church family we pray that you feel that at this time.

We also know from God’s Word that He is building His church and nothing will derail His plans. History has shown this to be true as wars, famines, plagues, persecutions and many other things have been overcome and God’s church continues to grow and share the gospel around the world. We can trust that God is at work in this situation in ways that we cannot fathom or understand and no doubt He wants to use us as a church family.

With that in mind, I wanted to encourage us all to deliberately focus on staying connected with each other (in line with Government restrictions) at this time. Let me encourage you to phone, email, text, or tweet each other throughout this time and to save up your hugs and handshakes for when it’s safe to do so. Let’s also ensure we pray for each other more than ever. Pray for the health of our community, for those whose jobs and businesses are and will be impacted, pray for the vulnerable in our community. Let’s look for opportunities to be generous in any way we can.

In this time, I sincerely also want to ask you to pray for our church finances. As you may be aware, we have been blessed through the generous giving of our people and we enter this crisis in a stable and solid financial position. If we don’t physically meet for worship for a prolonged time, we could see an impact on our church budget and along with your prayers, I would ask you to please (if you are able to) continue to be supportive in your tithing to the church at this time. If you are used to putting cash in the bags or using the EFTPOS facility at the Connections Centre on a Sunday I ask you to consider using the Give button on the BPCC website (bpcc.com.au/give) instead, or using your online bank facilities to give that way.

In summary, let us trust that God is doing a work in our days (Habakkuk 1:5) like He has been doing since the beginning. Let us pray for each other, stay connected in any way possible and where it is in line with the social distancing regulations, and let us reach out and be ready to help those around us. Thank you for your ongoing generosity as a church family and I look forward to seeing you all soon.

God Bless.

Ivor Kay

Church Council Chairman