Youth Camp 2022

Youth Camp 2022 is done and dusted! It was a great weekend up on Mount Tambourine with over 80 youth and leaders in attendance from our church and from our sister churches around the Brisbane area.

There was a lot of fun had over the course of the weekend. On Saturday we got into Tribe teams and competed in Tribal Wars, with activities involving mulched fruit, flailing pool noodles, and three-team volleyball and soccer (that’s right—three teams at once!). Cheers to Hayden for organising these!

We also had great fun with elective activities, which included experiences like the Giant Swing, Archery, craft, and games. Around all of this we still had some free time to hang out with old friends and make new ones, and to enjoy plenty of competitive card games.

Over three sessions at camp we explored the theme of ‘Lost & Found’, as our camp speaker Josh Bartlett from Wycliffe Bible Translators unpacked the parables of the lost coin, lost sheep, and prodigal son. Through this we saw how Jesus is on a ‘search and rescue’ mission to save us, and the different ways that we can be tempted to trust in ourselves rather than God. Part of these sessions included responding in song, led by our stellar camp band!

The campsite at MTCC Tambourine is a favourite of ours, with plenty of space, good facilities, and freezing cold nights which get (almost) everyone into bed by midnight! We look forward to heading back there again next year for Youth Camp 2023. It will be around the same time of year, so make sure you put it in the calendar when the date is released.

There was plenty of food to keep us going, and despite a horde of hungry teenagers we somehow had leftovers at every meal! An especially big thanks to our hardworking Camp Cooks, Bruce, Joanna, Gary, and Trina. They did an excellent job of keeping us fed all weekend, with a whole range of delicious meals and snacks!

Thank you to everyone in our church family who supported Youth Camp—whether you volunteered your time, sponsored a teenager, or lifted us up in prayer. We value your prayers, and are grateful to God for a safe youth camp, with a few bumps and scratches the extent of our first aid issues. Please continue to pray that the truths learned and memories made at Youth Camp 2022 will continue sinking into the hearts and lives of our young people over the coming weeks and months.

We’ve now started to catch up on sleep, and look forward to the final term and a half of Youth for 2022. If you are in Years 7-12 and want to know more about youth, please email me at or chat to me on Sunday!

In Christ,

Nathanael Remminga

Youth Pastor