God spoke to me very clearly recently. It was a Fatherly word, a necessary rebuke, a loving reminder. I was day two into my annual summer holiday and I was feeling sorry for myself. I was unhappy because a foot injury was keeping me from doing of my favourite pastimes: running. I wouldn’t be able to run the usual tracks I do when I’m away. I wouldn’t be able to run with my sisters each morning. I wouldn’t be able to “blah, blah, blah”, the thoughts continued. Don’t get me wrong, I was happy to be on holidays with my family and spend time away from the business of normal life. But in my heart of hearts, I was down in the dumps. 

The second morning of the holiday I opened my daily devotion to spend time with God. I was reading through Louie Giglio’s plan called ‘Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table’. In the reading (which is based on his book), Louie speaks about the battle of the mind and guarding oneself from what our thoughts are based on. Are they based on what others are saying? What someone said a long time ago? Are they based on your circumstances? Mine certainly were during those first few days of my holiday. This reading pointed to Psalm 23:1 where it says ‘The Lord is my Shepherd I have what I need.’ (CSB) I read those words again and again. ‘…I have what I need. …I have what I need. …I have what I need.’  

Louie went on to say in the devotional, “Listen to God’s words to you in Scripture. They are alive and powerful to break the strongholds that have held you captive… They can help you think clearly again. They can keep the Enemy from taking a seat at the table…”.  

God spoke to me. He reminded me that I have what I need! I have ALL the GOOD things given to those who love and follow Jesus: goodness, mercy, grace, forgiveness, love, hope, and so much more! There are things in life that can be taken away from us. Whether they’re little things like being unable to run for a few months, or more drastic things like major health issues and financial crises.  

For the rest of the holiday these words echoed in my head: The Lord is my Shepherd I lack no good thing! This word from God changed my holiday. I got over myself and focused on the other incredible blessings of the holiday. Most importantly, I thanked God each morning for the good (amazing) things that can never be taken away from me. 

‘Only goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD as long as I live.’ Psalm 23:6 (CSB) 

Read the Bible, it is His Word for you friend. 

Grace and peace, 
