The Power of Love

Recently I had the privilege to travel with seven others from BPCC to visit some of the churches and projects that are part of our Compassion Partnership in Thailand. When people first asked me how the trip went, I was lost for words—which is very unusual for me! But in the last few weeks, I’ve had the chance to gather my thoughts and I would like to share with you one of the many things I took away from this amazing experience.

At the first project we visited, we met a beautiful lady named Pae, who lives in the remote district of Mae Lanoi in Northen Thailand. When we visited Pae’s home we were confronted with extreme poverty. Her home had a roof, a small raised area on wooden planks, and just two thin walls. Because Pae’s husband was often away for weeks at a time to find work, she was mostly alone with her eight-month-old baby son. Pae shared with us that most nights she walks to another family members home to sleep, as her home is not safe from the elements or from predators, both human and animal.

As we got to know Pae we learnt that she and her son had recently become a part of the Compassion ‘Mum’s & Babies’ program. We had seen the ‘Mum’s and Babies’ program first-hand the same morning we met Pae. The program works alongside Mum’s and babies to secure good health, provide food where needed, equip the Mum’s with life skills, and share the gospel. We asked Pae what she liked most about the program. I fully expected her answer to be along the lines of; ‘They look after me; they make sure my son is well; they feed me’. But her answer wasn’t any of those practical things. Her answer was; “They love me”. The power of love! Of all the things the project was helping her with, it was love that was the most important thing to her.

This was a profound reminder to me, and I pray it will be to you as well. When we love others, we demonstrate Christ’s love in a tangible way. Pae’s story of being loved is an amazing example of the power and hope that love provides.

What will loving others look like for you? What does it look like in your family? What does it look like at Church? What does it look like to those who are poor, orphaned, and oppressed?

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15:12)

I’d like to finish by saying that, truly, sponsorship works. I don’t mean to sound cliché or forced, but after the trip I saw first-hand how sponsorship is changing lives. For those who are sponsoring a child, be encouraged that what you are doing is life-changing! And please remember to write to your sponsor child(ren); letters are life-giving and show that we value them and love them. If you are not sponsoring a child yet or recognise that you have the means to sponsor more children, please contact me. I’d love to help you release a child from poverty in Jesus’ name!

With love,
