I’m looking forward to Monday. On Monday afternoon, I’ll be getting on a plane to spend two weeks with my family in Melbourne, who I haven’t seen since January! I have had it a lot better than many people through 2020, but I’ve definitely missed my family, and I am looking forward to spending time with them again.

But this is also a time tinged with sadness, because I know there are many in our church family who are still not able to be reunited with their loved ones due to the international border closures, which will remain for some time. One year of separation gives me just a small glimpse into how challenging it is for those who have left family and friends in other countries.

This desire to be reunited strikes a deep chord in the human soul, and these moments remind us of the yearning which we have for the ultimate reunion. The great day in the future when the greatest barrier of all, death, will be removed, and we will be reunited with those loved ones who have gone ahead of us. And above all, when we will finally be fully reunited with our God.

Whether we are able to be with our loved ones this Christmas, or whether we are still waiting for international flights to start operating again, let’s keep our hope set on what will be the greatest reunion of all, when there will be no more border restrictions, expensive tickets, or leave limitations. Because, as we read in Revelation 21, “There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away” (v.4). On that day we will never again grieve, for God will wipe away every tear.

As we celebrate Christmas, with all the joys that it brings and the achings it awakens, let’s remember why Christmas is a celebration: because God himself took on humanity and stepped into our brokenness, so that we may be eternally reunited to him, together forever. Let’s be encouraged by this truth, and be motivated to share it with others this festive season.

I look forward to seeing you at the Christmas Festival or in the New Year!
