Oasis Youth is here!

Term 1 2022 is here, which means that Oasis Youth is kicking off next Friday (11th)!

I’m excited for what the year has in store as we head into this new season as Oasis, so I thought I’d share with you a bit about what is going on.

Our Friday nights will look similar to what they have in the past, as a welcoming, engaging space for youth to connect in a Jesus-focused environment. Each Friday is different, but every week there will be games, activities, space to hang out with friends, and a simple gospel message. Some weeks we have big activities or themes, others we have time in growth groups chats or have a featured guest. Check out the term card for what is happening each week!
If you are in Year 7-12 (or know someone who is), we would love to have you along on Friday nights! We meet from 7-9pm at Oasis Church.

There’s also our Retreat for Yr. 10-12’s up on Bribie Island next month (11-13 March), which is a relaxed getaway with just the senior school aged youth and the leaders. And make sure you put Youth Camp in the calendar, which is open to everyone in year 7-12 and is running on 19-21 August.

We are also continuing D&M’s for our Yr. 7-9’s every second Sunday morning! If you are new to D&M’s, it a space for middle school aged youth to have deep & meaningful conversations about what faith in Jesus is all about, as they decide whether they will follow Jesus themselves. D&M’s also stands for Donuts & Milo, a snack which we enjoy each time we meet!
To join D&M’s, just come along to the 8am or 10am service, and we’ll head out after the announcements.

In term 1, instead of running the Inspire Bible study I’ll be leading the Claim the Faith course. This is short course which is for anyone who has grown up hearing about Jesus, and is ready to claim that faith for themselves. Some people will be ready to claim faith in Jesus in their early teenage years, others in their twenties, and most somewhere between.
Claim the Faith is a 5 week short course which explores the foundations of Christian faith, ensuring that you know what you are committing to. It leads to making a public profession of faith, and to accepting the sign of baptism if you haven’t already. If you are ready to Claim the Faith, join me starting on March 6th!

We are changing up our state Assemblies this year, with only one assembly each term and a different structure than in the past. Assemblies are a bit like Friday night youth, but with other youth groups from our sister churches around the Brisbane area. They run on a Sunday afternoon, at a different church each term. They are open to anyone in in years 7-12, and the first on is at the Redlands church on Sunday 20th Feb- only two weeks away! We’ll be road tripping down (and maybe stopping for Maccas 😉) so make sure you let me know if you are coming so I save a seat!

In term 2, we’ll be encouraging our youth to join the Ridley Certificate short courses which will be running at Oasis. If you haven’t heard about this yet, starting in term 2 we’ll be running short courses to help people in our church family of all ages gain a deeper understanding of faith so we can all deepen our relationship with God and more effectively help others find life in Jesus. These are open to all ages, and there’ll be more information coming out soon!

There are plenty of other things happening through Oasis Youth, including activities and groups at Genesis Christian College and at Bray Park State High, and Holiday Hangouts during term breaks.

Got questions? You can email youth@oasischurch.com.au or chat to myself, or Hayden for more info.

Look forward to seeing you soon!


Youth Pastor.