Have you heard of the “GRWM” trend? What about the “GTWM” trend? Maybe you’ve heard of one but not the other?

Over the past 13 years, there has been a trend called “grwm” going around. This stands for “get ready with me”, and it is a trend that is quite popular on social media. People have been attaching this tag to videos they shoot, and it is effectively a video blog of the process it takes them to get ready. Maybe they are getting ready for work. Maybe they are getting ready to go out to a party. Or they could even be getting ready to go and run a marathon.

Through this article, I would love to kickstart a new trend that I am abbreviating – “gtwm”. This new abbreviation stands for “give thanks with me”, inspired by our recent sermon series on “Being Thankful: Cultivating a Grateful Heart”.

What if we started creating and sharing posts, comments, and even videos with the tag “gtwm”?

What might that look like?

Below is an abbreviated gtwm rhythm in a day in the life of Stephen.

Waking up:
“Thank you, Father, for a new day. Thank you for all that you have in store for me today. Thank you for your presence with me, whatever the day may bring forth. Thank you for your word. May you use it to shape me for the sake of your praise and glory.”

At Meal Times:

“Father, thank you for blessing me with this food to sustain and nourish me. Thank you for the gift of tastebuds! Thank you for the incredible flavours that I get to taste and enjoy.”

Driving To/From Work:

“God, thank you for a working vehicle that gets me from Point A to Point B! Thanks for the beautiful sunrise/sunset! Just wow! What an amazing God you are! Thank you for the gift of sight to enjoy the beauty of your creation!”

At Work:

“Thanks for technology…thanks for my leaders…thanks for the meetings I get to have…thanks for the incredible team I get to be part of…thanks for the young people I get to meet with during the week and with whom I get to share the good news of Jesus…thanks for the services we get to prepare for on Sunday…thanks for the chaplains I get to partner with in the local schools…thanks for the wisdom of others that has been passed down in books or via other means…”

In The Evening:

“Thank you for this time to unwind. Thank you for couches to sit on…thank you for a tv and streaming services to watch sport and TV shows on…thanks for books to read…thanks for the time to get odd jobs done around the house…thanks for a fridge and freezer that helps preserve food longer…thanks for hot and cold running water…thanks for a sit-down dunny…”

Going to Bed:

“Thank you, Father, for the day that has been. Thank you for the *specific* ways that I have seen you at work throughout the day. Thank you for watching over me and sustaining me. Thank you for this time to rest. Help me to sleep well. Please give me the grace and the strength I need for the day ahead. Thank you, again, for all that you have done for me and for all that you continue to do. In the name of Jesus, Amen.”

Would you join me? GTWM

Keep trusting Jesus,
