Samaritan’s Purse – more than just Operation Christmas Child 

A couple of weeks back I had the privilege of attending a special dinner hosted by Samaritan’s Purse. I was invited, along with others from Oasis, because of our ongoing support of their Operation Christmas Child appeal. OCC is just one of the ways that Samaritan’s Purse is loving people in Jesus’ name and it was so wonderful to hear of the many ways SP is providing relief and assistance to suffering people around the world. 

SP provides disaster relief in Australia and New Zealand following floods, fires, cyclones and other disasters. This is achieved by mobilizing volunteer teams and working alongside local churches to meet the physical needs of those affected and to work toward recovery.  

SP also provides relief internationally in times of disaster, war and emergencies such as disease outbreaks. SP has global reach and a readiness to act which means they are able to respond quickly and are often among the first to be on the ground providing aid to those in crisis. SP volunteers are trained and committed to caring for communities and individuals affected by disaster. 

SP also facilitates numerous development and humanitarian aid projects across the world.  Working with local SP staff, church partners and volunteers they are able to care for families in poverty, vulnerable people, victims of trafficking and abuse, and more.  

Each year at Oasis we support Operation Christmas Child, which is perhaps SPs most well known ministry project. On Sunday our Kids and Jnr Kids Church children packed over 200 shoeboxes for children living in vulnerable situations around the world. These shoeboxes were packed with items generously donated by people within our church and include toys, clothing, toiletries and school supplies. These boxes will be sent to neighboring countries, where they will be distributed to children through their local church. Each child receiving a box will also hear the good news of Jesus, as well as being invited to take part in a 12 week discipleship program. 200 shoeboxes represents 200 opportunities for a child to hear and respond to the gospel, and to find life in Jesus. 

On 6th Oct you will have the opportunity to give financially toward the cost of sending the 200+ OCC shoeboxes packed by Oasis Kids. Postage on each box is $12.50. Thank you in advance for your generosity toward this project. 

There are other ways you can support Samaritan’s Purse and even get involved. If you would like to financially support the work of SP or find out about volunteer opportunities, go to their website 

And please pray. Pray for the shoeboxes that have been packed and for the children who will be receiving them. And pray for the ongoing work of Samaritan’s Purse as they demonstrate God’s love practically and share the good news of Jesus with the world’s most vulnerable people. 
