Christmas at BPCC

Christmas is just around the corner, and we look forward to celebrating with you and your loved ones in a number of different ways.

Ruth: A Sermon Series for Advent

In the weeks leading up to Christmas we will journey through the book of Ruth in a sermon series for Advent. Advent, a Latin word that literally means ‘coming’, is the 4-week season leading up to Christmas where we remember and give thanks for the coming of Jesus into the world for the salvation of sinners, but also where we look forward in anticipation to the coming of Jesus in the future to consummate his eternal kingdom.

When you think about Advent and the Christmas story, you probably don’t think about the book of Ruth, but this Old Testament story relates to the coming of Jesus in surprising and significant ways, as we shall discover. The story, which takes place in Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, is a tale about sacrifice, redemption, and the faithfulness of God to his promises, especially his promise to send a Saviour. Join us next Sunday as we begin this 4-week series.

Christmas Festival

On Sunday the 20th of December we will be celebrating the coming of Jesus with a Christmas Festival on our campus! This is a chance for us to invite friends and family and also to serve our local community as we reach out and invite them to join us. During the day we will hold three separate sessions (2-4pm, 4-6pm, and 6-8pm). We encourage you to attend one of these sessions (and invite friends and family) and to serve at another. What a wonderful way to both enjoy the Festival and to allow others to enjoy as well.

The first hour of the Christmas Festival is outside games, entertainment and food. The second hour will be a Christmas Carols Service in the Church building. Why don’t you send a message and invite a friend today?

There are many ways you can serve at the Christmas Festival. Sign up here to serve Some of the areas to serve include: Kids Craft, Outdoor Game Supervision, Car Park Attendee, Check-In Team, Cleaning, Set Up, Pack Up, Security, Fairy Floss & Lolly Stall, First Aid, Cake Stall, Baking, Drink & Popcorn Stall, and Information Tent.

What a great opportunity to share the gospel with our neighbours as we serve at this event. You can also support this event by donating cans of drink, wrapped lollies and financial support in the weeks leading up to the Festival (Sunday 6th and 13th of December).

Christmas Services

This year we will hold three Christmas services. Please invite your friends and family to join us at one of the following service times:

Christmas Eve — 5pm and 7pm
Christmas Day — 9am

Registrations for the Christmas Festival and Christmas services will open on the 1st of December through our website (

Please join us in praying for these events. Pray that God will work in and through them to bless those who attend. Pray for hearts to hear and receive the great news of why Jesus came. Pray for those organising and running the event. Pray that we will be bold in our witness and inviting friends and family to join us.

God Bless,