‘Where is God?’ Why God’s Omnipresence Matters

“Where is God?” It is a question you are probably familiar with. When we first encounter the idea of God, it is quite reasonable to wonder where he is; many children have asked their parent this simple question. And when difficult times arise and tragic events happen, we often ask this question in a different sense.

The simple yet profound answer is “everywhere”. This is what we call God’s omnipresence (omni meaning ‘all’); the reality that God is present in all places at all times. God, as the creator of the universe, is not bound by the concepts of time and space which he created, so he is present in every part of time and space, while existing outside of them.

But as profound as it can be, the simple reality of God’s presence at all places and at all times is a truth which can comfort, challenge, and encourage us, without needing to wrestle with the philosophical nuances.

God’s omnipresence should comfort us, because regardless of where we are, we are never alone. There is no place we can go or situation we can be in where our God is not. There is no other person or thing which can comfort us this truly. As Hebrew 13:5-6 says: “Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?”

God’s omnipresence should also challenge us, because there is no dark secret in our hearts which is unknown by God. We often act as if the things which we keep hidden from others are also hidden from God. But as Hebrews 4:13 reminds us: “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.”

God’s omnipresence should also encourage us to live in a way which reflects this reality. We can approach struggles knowing that our God is present every step of the way; we can approach temptation knowing that our God walks with us, and we can do good even when others don’t see, knowing that our God sees and that his approval is worth more than all else.

If you want to reflect on this theme further, Psalm 139 is a beautiful reflection on God’s omnipresence. I highly recommend taking some time to read and pray though it!

Have a blessed week,
