An Update from our Children’s Ministry
Our Operation Christmas Child appeal for 2020 has officially ended, and I’m so pleased to say that despite the challenges we experienced this year has, our church family has packed 240 shoeboxes for children living in poverty. Because of your generosity, a child will not only receive a box full of gifts, they will be invited to attend a Bible teaching project where they will hear the good news about Jesus. These shoeboxes provide a wonderful opportunity for the local church to reach their community and share the gospel with families.
Thank you to the many people who have donated items, given money for postage costs, hand-made beautiful items for the boxes, and packed their own shoebox. I feel blessed to be part of such a compassionate and generous church family.
I’m also excited for this term at Kidz Church, as our lessons will be aligned with the rest of the church family. The children of BPCC will be exploring the Lord’s Prayer along with the adults. I love it when we do this because it creates so many opportunities to continue faith conversations at home and during the week. I encourage you to ask your kids questions about what they learned at Kidz Church and to have discussions with them about it. Share what you learned yourself in the sermon. As a family, talk about how you all can apply what you’ve learned to your daily lives.
Also, why not be intentional about praying together as a family in coming weeks? There are lots of creative and engaging ways to pray with children. In the most recent edition of The Quarterly, I’ve included a ‘Head-to-Toe Prayer’ that’s great for toddlers. You could also use the alphabet as a prompt to list things for which you are grateful. Or take a nature walk, pick a colour, and thank God for all the things you can spy of that colour. I’ll be sharing family prayer ideas to the BPCC Kidz Church Facebook group across the term so keep an eye out for those.
If you and your family haven’t yet returned to Sunday services and Kidz Church in-person, please know that we miss you and would love to see you back. If you haven’t yet made it back to an in-person service, we hope you are engaging in worship at home through Church Online. It’s so important for our kids to see that God is the first and most important priority in our lives and in our families. If worship of God has taken a back seat lately, can I encourage you to make it a priority again in your family’s life. It is so important for our spiritual health to put time into hearing from God’s word and singing Him praises and praying to Him. And don’t forget that each week there is something in the service for your children to enjoy and learn from.