3 ways to celebrate the hope of Easter as a family

Easter is a wonderfully opportunity to spend time with our children, building traditions and sharing the wonderful hope of Jesus. Your children will hear plenty of messages from the world about Easter (bunnies, eggs, hot cross buns) and these things are all lots of fun. But let’s be sure that we share and teach our children about the great love of Jesus and the sacrifice He made for us.

There are plenty of wonderful Easter family resources available but I want to share just three with you. I pray that through spending time in God’s Word and reflecting on all Jesus has done for us, the true hope of Easter will come alive for you and your children.

The first resource is a 14 day Easter Family Devotions and Activity Guide. This is a 14 day journey through the life of Jesus, including his death and resurrection. Each day there’s a short Bible passage, some questions to get the conversation going, and an opportunity to pray. Because children are very ‘hands on’ learners, there’s an activity suggestion for each day also. This resource encourages you to build a Jesus Tree together and each day will see you adding an ornament to the tree.

This resource equips you to experience the Easter Story in a new way with a traditional Passover meal, the Sedar. When we compare the principles of the Passover to the details surrounding the death and resurrection of Jesus, it’s exciting to see how the two are related. God’s directives to ancient Israel foreshadowed His plan to deliver each one of us through Jesus’ death and resurrection hundreds of years later. This resource includes all the details you’ll need regarding food, place settings and what to say during the meal. Maybe you could consider hosting the Sedar meal for a few families, or making it a special tradition for your own family.

The last resource is steps for making Resurrection Cookies. The cooking process is part of the teaching experience as through the steps, your children will hear the story of Easter as you read short Bible Passages. These cookies sit in the oven overnight (turned off) signifying the tomb, and in the morning, the cookies are hollow, like the empty tomb. *Please note, you’ll want to convert the oven temp to 150 degrees Celsius.

Blessings to you and your family this Easter season.
