oasis kids

Oasis Kids gather together each Sunday during school term to get to know God in a fun and safe environment. The kids spend their time singing, praying, playing games and making craft as they learn from the Bible.

There are programs for children from Birth through to Year 6, all of which are led and taught by trained volunteers (look for the blue shirts!).

You check your child in before the Sunday service begins (follow the signs to the church hall) and collect them immediately after the service.

If you are new to church please feel welcome to keep your kids with you in the service if you’d prefer. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to speak with one of our friendly teachers when you arrive or email our Children’s Ministry Leader prior to your visit.

kids church

prep to grade 6

junior kids

2 years to pre-prep


birth to 2 years


grade 7-9

during the week

PlayGroup happens every Tuesday during school term from 9am to 11am for any parent or guardian with a child from birth up to school age. It’s a fun space for kids to play, sing, and learn about God’s love, and for parents to chat and encourage one another over morning tea.

Child Safety

We take the safety of our children and vulnerable people very seriously. If you have a concern relating to child safety or the conduct of a volunteer or ministry worker, you may contact us using this form.

Child Safety Policies

oasis youth

Oasis Youth gather together every Friday night during the school term for a fun-filled and faith-focused program that is relevant for all high schoolers.

The nights kick-off at 7pm and end at 9pm with individual programs for Grade 7 to 9 and Grade 10 to 12 students.

Stay up to date with everything that is happening through our social media accounts or by signing up to receive the parent email.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to speak with one of our friendly leaders when you arrive or email our Youth Pastor.

Contact Us
Child Safety Policies

oasis young adults

Oasis Young Adults meet regularly for social events and in Growth Groups where they study the Bible together and explore what it means to know and follow Jesus. The 6pm service is also a great place to meet other young adults.

To find out more contact our team or join our Facebook Group.

oasis men

Oasis Men meet regularly for breakfast on Saturday mornings and for other events and occasions. This is a space where you can build meaningful connections with other men. 

Stay up to date by joining our Facebook Group.

oasis women

Oasis Women is a vibrant community of women who are seeking to encourage one another through regular gatherings centred on God’s word and time of community and connection. 

Find out what is coming up and stay connected by following us on Facebook.

oasis seniors

There are a number of different programs for our seniors, including Conversation Club, a fortnightly gathering for over-55’s with a shared meal, connection and conversation, and a presentation on a wide variety of different topics. You’d be most welcome!

Check out the Calendar for the next seniors event.
