Monthly Archives: July 2024

Why I Need to Pray

Why I Need to Pray What goes through your mind when you wake up in the morning? Honestly, my mind seems

Why I Need to Pray2024-07-26T09:25:42+10:00


GTWM Have you heard of the “GRWM” trend? What about the “GTWM” trend? Maybe you’ve heard of one but not the


You Are Capable – With God 

You Are Capable - With God  If you’re like me, sometimes you think you’re a little useless or ill equipped to

You Are Capable – With God 2024-07-12T12:26:42+10:00

When in Doubt

When in doubt  Have you ever found yourself doubting the goodness of God? Or at the very least wondering what on

When in Doubt2024-07-04T16:52:59+10:00
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